Svět Might and Magic

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  • Únor 28, 2025, 02:48:54
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Autor Téma: Might and Magic Merge na Android  (Přečteno 5792 krát)


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Might and Magic Merge na Android
« kdy: Září 11, 2024, 12:15:21 »

Právě jsem to vyzkoušel s Winlator app (podobné jako exagear), funguje to s gamepadem -
i s dotykovým ovládáním -
Videa mají framedrops, což způsobilo nahrávání obrazovky (jinak běží hra plynule). Testováno na Samsung A23 v software render. Také multiplayer je funkční!
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  • Příspěvků: 2
Re:Might and Magic Merge na Android
« Odpověď #1 kdy: Září 16, 2024, 16:12:39 »

M&M merge running with Winlator app.
With no recording game runs smooth, also i use ipega gamepad for controls.
Game working except only cutscenes.
Resolution is 640x480 on software render.
Hi resolution with scalable ui, DX render also work, but Galaxy A23 have no power to runs it smooth.
Multiplayer merge works to, we tested it. One play on win pc, i play with android Phone via internet.
All you need for instal this on android:
Download winlator app (from web).
Make container in winlator.
My container settings: 1280×720, virGL, wineD3D, alsa audio driver
Win components: Buildin wine
General: native windows
box86 preset: performance
Box64 preset: performance
Wine settings:
box86 version: 0.3.7 compatibility
Box64 version: 0.2.9 compatibility
Run container:
Next instal gog version of Might and Magic VIII
From D: drive (D: is Download folder)
Then copy merge mod
Also copy win 7 fix for merge
Copy Multiplayer if you want
Then for low power device like A23:
Open in folder might and magic viii:
UILayout - delete "UI"
ViewDistanceD3D - set "0"
I also sets MouseSensitivityX to "75"
In default mouse turning with analogstig is to
slow, but on other gamepad is maybe differend,
Try this on set different value.
Then Run MM8Setup.exe
sets software render, go launch game
When its Run to menu close it
Now configure your gamepad (input controls in winlator menu)
I use left analog for simulating arow Keys
Right analog for mouse movement
Left analog button: Y
Right analog button: X
Dpad left: I
Dpad down: Enter
Dpad up: M
Dpad right: Tab
Button A: space
Button B: A
Button X: C
Button Y: S
L2: mouse scroll down
R2: mouse scroll up
Select button: R
start button: ESC
Other buttons is on display (use controls editor)
Ok, now close container
Open shortcuts and open settings on mm8
Set resolution to 640x480
Then play it. When its start up, you need every time go to input controls and select your profile.
For full touchscreen controls, left side arrows - moving, strafe.
Right side arrows - turning, but up and down is for fly.
Video návod zde:
V příloze config soubor s touchscreen tlacitkama
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