
Uplatnění trofejí je mnohem širší, než-li je tomu u bylinek a v určitých případech dokáží svými účinky zastoupit i adekvátní léčivé lektvary. Není proto radno jejich význam podceňovat, někdy to budou právě ony, kdo rozhodnou o přežití postavy v boji. Obyčejnější druhy trofejí lze také úspěšně prodávat a trochu si tak vylepšit vlastní rozpočet.

Grazino Egg
A giant bird egg which can be eaten to recover some Hit points. Restores 30 HP. Grazino Egg
0,5 kg
80 zl.
Grazteron Egg
A giant bird egg which can be eaten to recover many Hit points. Restores 60 HP. Grazteron Egg
0,6 kg
240 zl.
Braptor Egg
A raptor egg which can be eaten to prevent moderate loss of blood. Bleed cured: -15 HP/turn. Braptor Egg
0,3 kg
80 zl.
Tiraptor Egg
A raptor egg which can be eaten to prevent severe loss of blood. Bleed cured: -30 HP/turn. Tiraptor Egg
0,4 kg
240 zl.
Spider Egg
A spider egg which can be eaten to remove toxins from the body. Cures Poison. Spider Egg
0,1 kg
240 zl.
Rat Fang
A rodent tusk which does not seem to possess any special property. It may have some value for the purpose of crafting ornaments. Rat Fang
0,05 kg
50 zl.
A large mushroom spore whose dust can be remove Stun from the party. Cure Stun. Spore
0,05 kg
70 zl.
Cursed Hound Fang
Fangs of the Cursed Hounds are prized for their healing properties. They can be pulverized into a paste, which will cure the body of most wounds when applied. Cures Fatal wounds. Cursed Hound Fang
0,1 kg
600 zl.
Yotum Fang
A huge tusk belonging to a Yotum, the largest creature among Ogres. It possesses purifying properties and if rumors are true, can be ground into a powder that will cleanse the body of any illness. Cure Sick. Yotum Fang
0,3 kg
500 zl.
Sandworm Fang
A sharp fang from a sand worm. Minuscule amounts spread into a tea can restore the magical power of those who consume it. Restores 100 PP. Cures Sick. Sandworm Fang
0,3 kg
? zl.
Emerald Wyvern Egg
A huge egg belonging to a Emerald Wyvern. The eggs of these winged beasts are highly coveted, due to the belief that they can enhance physical attributes. Improves the Strength attribute by 1 point. Emerald Wyvern Egg
1 kg
? zl.
Ruby Wyvern Egg
A huge egg belonging to a Ruby Wyvern. The eggs of these winged beasts are highly coveted, due to the belief that they can enhance physical attributes. Improves the Agility and Speed attribute by 1 point. Ruby Wyvern Egg
1 kg
? zl.
Dabruz Horn
A Dabruz horn, enchanted with recovery and energetic properties. Restores 80 HP. Restores 40 PP. Dabruz Horn
0,5 kg
200 zl.
Kabruz Horn
A Kabruz horn, enchanted with recovery and energetic properties. Restores 120 HP. Restores 60 PP. Kabruz Horn
0,5 kg
300 zl.
Morgoloz nail
The sharp claw of a Morgoloz. It is an appreciated trophy, due to its muscle-developing properties. Improves the Constitution attribute by 1 point. Morgoloz nail
0,1 kg
? zl.
Bragoloz nail
The sharp claw of a Bragoloz. It is an appreciated trophy, due to its muscle-developing properties. Improves the Strength and Constitution attribute by 1 point. Bragoloz nail
0,1 kg
? zl.
Tanaxas Horn
A Tanaxas horn. They are very rare, considering the original owner is a very powerful creatures. It can be grinded into a balm which will enhance magical ability. Improves the Energy attribute by 1 point. Tanaxas Horn
1 kg
? zl.
Valarinzo Horn
A Valarinzo horn. They are very rare, considering the original owner is a very powerful creatures. It can be ground into a balm which will enhance nimbleness and speed. Improves the Energy and Speed attribute by 1 point. Valarinzo Horn
1 kg
? zl.